MRNA – Club Duty Responsibilities 2023 Tasks

To enable MRNA to run the junior netball competition, Clubs are required to undertake duty rounds as per the season duty roster.  

Clubs/Associations need to supply a sufficient number of volunteers to complete the jobs outlined in this document.   

A club contact person should be appointed for people reporting for duty to ensure smooth transition from one person to another. 

All people doing setup, packup & court duties to wear a fluro vest.  Fluro vests are located in the Pavilion.  Please go to the side door of the pavilion near court 1 before your duty starts & get a vest.  When your duty has finished, please return the vest to the pavilion. 
Clubs to ensure all Volunteers have a current working with Children Check.


Please let the secretary know if you are planning on running a BBQ or any other fundraising activity.  This will have an impact on the quantities that the canteen needs to purchase on the day.
If running a BBQ it is best to get there early to setup and start cooking.  The canteen ladies, Admin and Exec tend to be at the MRNA Complex by 7:30am if you wish to setup prior to 8am.

SETUP – By 8am  

  • Ensure the gate is closed to the Warm-up area (gravel area beside courts 4&5) so no cars can drive in. The large gate that is on the road near the shed needs to be closed.

  • Witches hats to be setup at the front of the pavilion – these are to be spaced out to prevent players from being dropped off at the front of the Pavilion. (These can be located in the pavilion).

  • Bins to be dragged out please leave a red and yellow near the canteen.  The others go on the painted walk walk one red in the centre of the courts (between courts 2 & 3 and 6 & 7, and red and yellow bins at the end of the walkway near court 4.

  • Coaches vests need to go out to each coaching box.

  • At the start of the day open outside toilet and check all toilets are clean, tidy and have toilet paper.  


Check the toilets – to ensure that they are clean and also have toilet paper.  The toilet paper is in the cleaning cupboard near the first aid room, the key for the toilet paper dispensers is located in the control room.

Occasionally we may need volunteers to help man the hooter – we will advise if we need extra assistance.


After play has finished for the day, everything needs to be put away.

  • All rubbish bins get returned to the space near the canteen.

  • Put the coaches vests back in the control room.

  • Shelters & around the courts to be checked for rubbish.

  • Shelters & around the courts to be checked for lost property. – There is a lost property box in the pavilion.

  • Ensure that the under 9 rings have all been removed and are back in the mental container near the canteen.

  • Bring the witches hats in – only bring these in once players have left for the day.

  • Please check with the MRNA Exec committee if there are any other tasks that we may need a hand with.